Kitchener's zoning bylaw establishes and regulates the use of land by implementing the policies of our Official Plan, including:

  • Permitted use of land

  • Height and location of structures

  • Lot size

  • Density of development

  • Parking requirements.

If you're interested in applying for a zone change, please see the zoning bylaw amendment webpage for more information.

For searches related to a specific property address, you may find it helpful to access zoning information through our interactive online mapping tool.

For more information, please call 519-741-2317.

Zoning By Law 85-1  
      Index of Amending By-laws
      Table of Contents
      Zoning Grid Key Map Index

      Appendix A - Zoning Grid Schedules
      Appendix B - Property Detail Schedules
      Appendix C - Special Use Provisions for Specific Lands
      Appendix D - Special Regulation Provisions for Specific Lands
      Appendix E - Temporary Use Provisions for Specific Lands
      Appendix F - Holding Provisions for Specific Lands
      Appendix G - Holding Provisions for Services and Roadworks
      Appendix H - Residential Intensification in Established Neighbourhoods Study (RIENS) Area
      Appendix I - Properties within 800 Metres of LRT Station
      Appendix J - Protected Major Transit Station Areas

The city is in the process of conducting a comprehensive review of its zoning bylaw. For more information on this process, please visit