Zoning By Law 2019-051
List of Zoning By-law Amendments
Table of Contents
Zoning Grid Key Map Index
APPENDIX A - Zoning Grid Schedules
APPENDIX B - Grand River Conservation Authority Regulated Area
APPENDIX C - Central Neighbourhoods
APPENDIX D - Established Neighbourhood Area
APPENDIX E - Properties within 800m of LRT Station
APPENDIX F - Protected Major Transit Station Areas
SECTION 1 - General Scope and Administration
SECTION 2 - Interpretation, Classification, and Limits of Zones
SECTION 3 - Definitions
SECTION 4 - General Regulations
SECTION 5 - Parking, Loading, and Stacking
SECTION 6 - Urban Growth Centre (UGC) Zones
SECTION 7 - Residential (RES) Zones
SECTION 8 - Mixed Use (MIX) Zones
SECTION 9 - Commercial (COM) Zones
SECTION 10 - Employment (EMP) Zones
SECTION 11 - Institutional (INS) Zones
SECTION 12 - Agriculture (AGR) Zones
SECTION 13 - Natural Heritage Conservation (NHC) Zones
SECTION 14 - Existing Use Floodplain (EUF) Zones
SECTION 15 - Open Space and Recreation (OSR) Zones
SECTION 16 - Major Infrastructure and Utility (MIU) Zones
SECTION 17 - Overlays
SECTION 18 - Transition Provisions
SECTION 19 - Site Specific Provisions
SECTION 20 - Holding Provisions
SECTION 21- Temporary Use Provisions